During the Divorce: 

Dividing Assets


Although property division between you and your spouse can be resolved relatively quickly and cost-effectively if you do not have significant assets or debts, the task of classifying and dividing property and verifying income are more difficult when complex financial assets, co-mingled inherited assets, joint titled assets and/or co-owned business are involved.

Asset division gets far more complicated if there is concern about hidden assets, or if your spouse is self-employed, has a pension, 401k or other retirement account and needs to file for a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) to be able to obtain these assets, or if there is an executive-compensation package.

Other assets to evaluate are:

  • Third-party real estate interests
  • Different marital and pre-marital assets
  • Inherited property: how has it been utilized or how are the assets held?

In these cases, the dissolution of your marriage requires extensive analysis and planning.